Monday, 30 December 2013

Nature is a Classroom.....

Nature is a big classroom. It speaks daily to push us forward in LIFE;

When you say you are tired, the sun says "I've been shining ever since I was commanded to".
When you say your beginning is too small, Abraham Lincoln says "I said to myself I would be US President when I was a poor boy on the farm."
When you are in need of management lessons, the ant says "Come to me".
When you think your trials are too much, Madiba says "Try 27 years in Prison".
When you feel you have fallen, Peter says "I denied the master trice in His face".

Draw positive Inspiration & Prinspiration from Nature.

With a spectacle of VISION, look into the year 2014 & tell us what you see.
Your decisions from today much CONTROLS that fulfillment.

As you set sail from Port 2-013, sail smoothly through the waters of the Spirit and with faith, trust Captain Christ to lead you to Port 2-014. The land is very green.

In 2014: Have a DREAM---GO FOR IT.
Lead Your Dreams!

- A Prinspired to Lead Project

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Hidden in YOU!

Hidden in the murderer Moses was Gen, Exod, Lev, Deut, Numbers...
Hidden in the serial killer Paul was Romans, Cor, Ephesians...
Hidden in the Robin Island prisoner Mandela was the true definition of LEADERSHIP.
Hidden in the non-university graduate Mensa Otabil was ICGC.
Hidden in the boy Benny Hinn who queued to go and watch Kathryn Kuhlman preach was a  Healer.
Hidden in Dag Heward-Mills was a great evangelist and the Lighthouse Church
Hidden in the hormone-deficiency boy Lionel Messi was the World's Best Player
Hidden in young Yaw Perbi was the HuD Group
Hidden in young  Eric Jeshrun Okyere, and Sonnie Badu were anointed gospel ministers
Hidden in the girl Juanita Bynum, and Cece Winans were true Worshippers
Hidden in young Brian Tracy, Albert Ocran, and Jeremiah Buabeng were great motivational speakers
Hidden in homeless Tyler Perry was a great actor
Hidden in young Obama was the 44th President of the US
Hidden in Steve Jobs was an inventor
Hidden in Myles Munroe were BFMI, ITWLA, MMI and a world Leader
Hidden in the student Randy Impact Osae Bediako was Kharis Media
Hidden in every orange fruit is Vitamins C and hidden in every seed is a Forest.

The list is endless. God hides treasures in all His creations. You are one of them. What's hidden in you now? The WORLD is waiting for that RELEASE.
Which one will be the beneficiary: your WORLD or the CEMETERY?


- A Prinspired to Lead Project!

Image source:

Monday, 16 December 2013

Prinspired to LEAD!

Do you know YOU? Have you discovered the YOU in you? Do you spend much time trying to be like others while no one is spending time to be like YOU? You are YOUnique! Develop that YOUniqueness. History considers originality and there is no reward for the BEST COPYCUT!

Make a choice and decide; what you want to be, who you want to be and how you want to be it. Just DECIDE! Don’t be satisfied with your current level, status or position, because you can never change what you tolerate.

The journey to greatness is not all easy and smooth. It will be tough! Remember, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain. “Make your brain work. It will sweat, but it will not die” E. W. Kenyon. It’s not about how hard you hit sometimes in life, but about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!

Seek God’s face daily, because no matter how old the cow is, it still needs a SHEPHERD! The truth is, minus God, the sum of your life equals ZERO!

Monday, 2 December 2013

It's called LEGACY

3 Apples changed the world. The 1st tempted Eve, the 2nd inspired Newton, and the 3rd was for Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. This century minus Apple products is lacking. Though Steve is dead, we will always remember him for what he left behind. It's called LEGACY! Ask yourself the below few questions and genuinely answer them;

What will YOU be remembered for? 
What will you leave behind in LIFE? 
What have you been doing with your LIFE? 

It's in the news every day, someone dies and another person is birthed. The creator in His own wisdom gives each and every one of us the opportunity to impact our "worlds". Are you impacting your home-world, community-world, school-world, work-world, nation-world, continent-world or the entire world? 

The journey of Life is like a baton, once you begin to live, you begin to race. Your contribution to this race determines whether the earth will become a better place or worse, because of you. It becomes better when you become a problem solver, and worse once you become a problem yourself.

Resolute to make your home better because you were a part of it. Determine to make your society better because you showed up. Contribute to make your nation stronger because it had you. Live to make others better that you met them. That is how success is defined. START NOW! Remember, time flies, but you can be the Pilot!

- A Prinspired to LEAD PROJECT.

[image source :]