Thursday, 2 January 2014

His Majesty

The entrance of His Wisdom shines light, so bright it overshadows the sun. The sun was itself made from this light, thus cannot challenge the radiance of how so bright it shines.

Nature is filled with clues, clues to define a part of the Most High, Jehovah. He is immeasurable and so is nature. He is complex and so is nature. The wholeness of us all being subsets of nature express His infinite greatness.

 The rugged beauty of the mountains, the mysteries of the ocean, the intricate marvels of plant and animal life, the sense of earth’s external, and the worship of the Spiritual Beings describe just a part of His might. He is full of all and the word perfect cannot describe Him overall.

He has many names, and each of His names has a profound meaning and carry infinite power. Only the all-powerful has His names with purposes. His names have missions on earth and the entire world. His knowledge has no end and no barricade can bound His understanding.

Man is a simple creation. But simple to Elohim is infinitely complex to man.

Songs have aims, sermons have purposes, life has a goal, eternity has a plan, existence has a dream, space declares its reason, mankind has an original intent, the spirits have ambition, and everything spells out this vision with a reason; to glorify He who sits on the throne with all power, glory, everlasting beauty, extraordinary dominion and infinite love and understanding.

[Image source:]

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